Browse Articles By Tag: abs exercises
Sports practice and athletic training are subject to permanent evolution, and it's no wonder that traditionally effective sit ups are not recognized as generally valid anymore. The essential move of the sit ups used to be the lifting of the torso from the lying...
26.02.2013 · From alayalewis
Sit ups and crunches represent traditional exercises used for training the core muscles and flattening the abdomen. The problem is that many people don't know how to do sit ups correctly, which would explain either the inefficiency of the exercises or the number of...
23.02.2013 · From alayalewis
When doing lots of crunches and sit ups on a regular basis, the normal expectation is to get some perfect abs with a flat stomach and a nice six pack. Even so, individual physiognomy and the look depend on a whole range of factors among which the genetic inheritance...
23.02.2013 · From alayalewis
When dreaming of great body fitness, anyone interested in losing weight efficiently feels really committed and eager to work out, but gets pretty discouraged when the efforts are not rewarded as expected. (...)
19.02.2013 · From alayalewis
If you really want to have a well shaped body it’s quite important that you have tight abs. People basically have become slaves of their own abs and spend hours on the newest and costliest exercise machines hoping to get those great looking tight abs that seem to...
18.02.2013 · From alayalewis
We know all that sit ups are excellent exercises to tone the abdominal muscles, but there are several types of exercises defined as sit ups. One has to wonder whether some of these truly deserve the name of best sit ups. (...)
16.02.2013 · From alayalewis
When we speak of getting abs, we usually dream of growing a nice six pack of abdominal muscles like we admire in magazines and on TV. To get there you have to follow two major training guidelines: lose fat and build muscle. (...)
13.02.2013 · From alayalewis
When it comes to getting washboard abs, remember that it is not really such an easy process. There are many things you need to do in order for you to sculpt washboard abs. The best action plan you can have is to get informed. (...)
11.02.2013 · From alayalewis
Crunches and sit ups may not be to your liking, and your effort to get tight abs does not exactly depend on them. Crunches and sit ups are just traditional exercises that are integrated in most full body training routines. (...)
08.02.2013 · From alayalewis
If you know how to do sit ups, you can start strengthening your abdominal muscles right away. You don't have to go to the gym, because the privacy of your home offers everything you need. The correct performance of these exercises is crucial, for your own safety, as...
07.02.2013 · From alayalewis
With the use of a weight, sit ups increase in difficulty, making the exercise more challenging and effective for the muscles. Lots of people use weighted sit ups when they've passed the beginner or intermediate training stage, and they need something more to push the...
07.02.2013 · From alayalewis
How to get a six pack fast? I'm sure you've asked yourself this question quite often. People always look for a quick fix to their problems, not matter what those might be: fast weight loss and rapid muscle growth are the most common. (...)
04.02.2013 · From alayalewis
Although sit-ups are considered the cornerstone of numerous fitness programs, they are not the only kind of exercises used as part of training routines. People also wonder about the best way to do sit-ups forgetting that the most important is to adjust methods and...
03.02.2013 · From alayalewis
We know all that sit ups are excellent exercises to tone the abdominal muscles, but there are several types of exercises defined as sit ups. One has to wonder whether some of these truly deserve the name of best sit ups. (...)
02.02.2013 · From alayalewis
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